Welcome to my Wellness Center of Flow and Harmony. A SoulSpirit Complete Facilitator, I offer energetic healing, intuitive counseling, and workshops to realize and balance your life and soul purpose, health, happiness, relationships, love and success. Reconnect with your inner wisdom. Feel. Become. BE.



An innerwise session treats the root causes of a manifested disharmony, and then the body/psyche, in harmony and flow, can heal itself.


You learn to diagnose and treat yourself, family and pets without medication or supplements. Join over 140,000 practitioners in many countries. innerwise® is a certified medical device in Europe.


Imago means “image”, a representation of something. With the Imago process we can analyze and treat people, families, projects and complex business situations. It’s fun, easy and effective.


Beyond Forgiveness
This one takes a little explaining. It’s a favorite of mine, and oh so powerful! A lot has been written about forgiveness. Books have been written about forgiveness. Lectures are given about forgiveness, to forgive so you can go on. So there is forgiveness. And then there is getting back what was taken and giving back what is not ours.




The goal of innerwise is to put one back in touch with their soul purpose by finding their way back to the Oneness again within them self, by healing that sense of separation.

Biography Linda Villaseñor

Born on a ranch in Southern California in 1944, I spent my childhood loving and healing animals – a red tail hawk, crows, a couple of rabbits, ranch cats, and my horse, Little Devil, who wouldn’t let anyone else ride him. He would just turn into a bucking rodeo horse, and no one could stay on. The red tail hawk I nursed and set free returned with a mate and they nested in a palm tree by the house, and generations later their offspring still return to nest in the same tall palm at the ranch. Then there was the rattle snake living by the pig pen; she danced and sang for me, never being aggressive. However my mother put an end to that friendship.


Personal Info

  •   +760-822-2296
  •   Carlsbad CA 92010


SoulSpirit Complete Facilitator
Linda was intuitive and insightful, Her work was direct and had an immediate positive effect. She was all about empowering me by restoring my own unique nature. She never judged me, but only went to work with her beautiful process to help me back to myself. Linda's workspace feels very safe. I would recommend Linda's work to anyone who is wanting to stand in their own truth.


I’ve been to many well-respected healers in my life and Linda is right up there with them. She cares about everyone that walks through her door.


My experience with Innerwise healing by Uwe Albrecht was with Linda Villasenor, my mother in law: I was in a terrible place emotionally for the past few years, the hurt and Anger ran deep. Linda invited me over and asked me if I wanted to try something, the amount of pain I was in I would have tried anything. Little did I know it would be life altering. Linda called what she does cob web, I believe she is the only one who does it this way and what a way it is, you are allowed to go back and let go of harms that have been done to you, and, actually give it back which is so empowering. I was able to visualize everything and say what I have to say to each person I needed to and give them back their stuff. When I first started was room was pretty dull and lifeless and as the process continued my room became a little more alive. My process was long and hard but so well worth it. It was two sessions and a couple of hours a piece, God bless you Linda for giving me this gift. For when I was done with my process I felt light and for the first time I felt Hope not Anger. My life today is amazing, I have mended fences that I thought would never be mended I have removed people I never thought I would let go of, and I am able to live my life and not take on other people’s stuff. My life is forever changed for the better, Thank you Linda.


First, I feel you eliminated the whole dark influence...I feel  much lighter about it.  Plus, I haven't gotten that #64 card again in any of the sessions I've done for myself. The person in question called me a couple of days ago without any, I believe, unsettling residual affects.   I'm very grateful for the results.    Thank you,  D. C. San Diego, CA.


One of the most precious gifts that you can give yourself is the gift of letting go. Letting go of past experiences that don't serve your well-being.  Linda will guide you through a maze of your past that would take you years of therapy to do yourself.  She'll help you peel away layers of hurt, negativity and misbeliefs that have weighed you down and have kept you reaching your highest potential.  Give yourself a gift.

GinaLinn Espinoza